Thursday, December 06, 2007

Just blog it! Holiday Style

The Cackler over at Cackalackie has invited bloggers 'round the world to participate in a blogorama. If you haven't noticed, I added a button below my profile to the right of this post that says "Blog it! Holiday Style." I'm going to join Danielle by posting "What the Season Brought for Me" for the twelve days leading up to Christmas, beginning December 13th. You can read the details of her idea on her Just blog it post.

I hope you'll join us-- not just by reading (though please do!), but by adding the button to your page to promote the blogging event, and then blogging for 12 days this season about what the season means to you. It could be about Christmas, but it might be about Hanukkah or Kwanza or some other component of the holiday (or winter) season.

Be creative, spread the word. Whatever you do, just blog it!


Danielle said...

OK. I added the button, but for some reason mine looks all stretchy. Oh well. It'll have to do until someone tutors me on this html/image hosting crap.

Anyway, thanks for joining in!

Danielle said...
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Danielle said...

and can you help me figure out why when I put a picture behind my blog title it comes out all screwy?!?