Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Good-bye May

May went fast. Too fast.

Casey’s First Communion.

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Our last day with Pugasus LaRue. The kids knew it was coming and made peace with it. Here’s our last photo with him. . .


Grown-up weekend get-away to Palm Springs to help a couple of friends celebrate their pending nuptials.


Celebrating my mom’s birthday—on the left with my dad and their San Diego grandkids. On the right with two of my siblings. (The San Francisco clan couldn’t join us.)

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And Memorial Day Weekend—we spent a day at Mission Bay, where I apparently took no photos. And then we went on a walk near Lake Hodges across the relatively new ribbon bridge. Later, the kids cooled off at home.



Despite these few glimpses of sun, it was a gray May—I hope we dodge the June gloom around here!

1 comment:

Alison said...

casey looks quite handsome in a suit!