Saturday, August 01, 2009


Yesterday we celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary.

In many ways, ten just isn't that big of a deal.

But in other ways, ten years is no small thing. A lot can happen in ten years. For instance, in the last ten years, we:

  • bought two homes and sold one
  • bought four cars
  • worked eight regular, full-time jobs between the two of us
  • lost three pets to doggy and kitty heaven (so to speak)
  • went through at least 4 laptops between the two of us
  • replaced two sets of fences
  • laid down sod in four yards
  • installed two backyard patios and one front yard patio
  • replaced flooring in our homes three times
  • installed nine ceiling fans
  • added to our family through domestic, open adoption
  • added to our family through international adoption
  • worried about sick family and friends
  • went to the hospital three times (and not just for the kids!)
  • visited more than ten U.S. cities and two other countries together (and not for work)
  • read the Harry Potter and Twilight series books and compared notes
  • climbed the Great Wall of China, swam with sea turtles in Hawaii, and hiked to a waterfall in Mexico

We've certainly had individual accomplishments, too. But even those accomplishments are the result of teamwork. Recently, I was being introduced at an event, and they were describing how I arrived at lawyering. The person introducing me asked how I managed to work, go to law school at night, have a preschooler at home, and adopt a child from China-- and still perform so well. Without hesitation, I replied: "I have an amazing husband." She was shocked-- because no one sees the person in the shadow. But it's true. I could never have run a marathon or three half marathons, or completed law school, or survived my first year as an attorney without Jason. Someone is there, behind the scenes, giving me pep talks, reminding me why I'm doing it, building me up. Every day.

I hesitate to jinx myself, but our lives have been very blessed. We live in a modest home, in a nice San Diego suburb. We (currently) are employed. We have two beautiful children, who fill our home (and our hearts) with laughter and love (and tantrums and whining). We know the love of extraordinary people whose friendship we value. And we have each other.

If you'd asked me ten years ago where I thought I'd be right now, I would not have guessed most of my life. I wouldn't have pegged the job change. I wouldn't have guessed we'd be so lucky to have Casey and Marcie because of the love and generosity of their first mothers. But one thing I knew then is that in ten years I'd still be married to Jason. He is my rock.

Here we are, on the beach where we first played as teenagers twenty years ago, renewing our wedding vows yesterday:

I actually didn't think to get a picture of the two of us, smiling at the camera. Here's the closest thing I've got:


:::d::: said...

Your post has me all teary. You and Jason really are a perfect match.

:::d::: said...

btw, I'm totally impressed that you know the number of ceiling fans that were installed over the past ten years.

babyreynolds said...

Congratulations both of you! What an accomplishment and something to be proud of.

Danielle said...

You guys look great! I miss and love you both and hope you had an amazing day. And so much more than the ceiling fans and houses and yards and have built one amazing life together. You are an inspiration and an amazing set of people.
Love to you both.

Kflynn said...

What a lovely story of marriage. It is all about working together. Lots more ahead. Kris

Anonymous said...

10 years is no small feat!!! congratulations. what a great post!

alison frm dallas.