Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Day Before Cleft Bone Graft Surgery

Because Tate's surgery is on a Wednesday, we didn't sign him up for camp this week.  His older siblings are off for spring break, so it didn't seem like it would be a good use of money.  Instead, each day, I leave each child a list of things to accomplish and a deadline for doing so.  For instance, today Tate's list said:
  • Empty the silverware
  • Clean up your bedroom
  • Pack for the hospital (with a list of items)
  • Read for 30 minutes and write a summary of the book you read
  • Practice violin for 30 minutes
Complete these things before 4:30pm

I left work a little early because we had a busy evening planned.  I wanted to keep Tate's mind off the pending surgery.

When I got home, I noticed Tate had been busy in his room:

It's not the best lighting, but what you're looking at is his low loft bed, with a second mattress on the floor next to it.  Because they are slicing into his hip for the surgery, we were anticipating he would not be able to climb the three steps of the loft to sleep when he gets home.  We were planning to put the mattress on the floor for him, but I wasn't worried about the timing because I know we'll be in the hospital for at least one night.

Tate is a planner.  It's something I love about him. He noticed we had left Marcie's old mattress in the hallway (she got a new one last week), so he dragged it into his bedroom rearranged his doll furniture (you can see the 18" doll classroom in the corner), and then proceeded to make up the bed.  With sheets and everything.  He's sleeping on it now.

He also received a couple surprises today. First, one of my very thoughtful, former coworkers and his family sent a "get well" and "good luck" gift to Tate today - a Project Runway fashion design kit with colored pencils.  Tate has it packed to take with him to the hospital.  And he also got a care package from his Speech & Language Pathologist at his elementary school.  I won't let him open it until after the surgery, but it's a couple of baby Calico Critter packets, which he loves.  He is particularly endeared to his SLP, and this really made his day - all these wonderful people fussing over him!

Yesterday after work, Tate and I went grocery shopping. At the preop appointment, they gave us some recipes for liquid foods, but, honestly, it's a little hard for me to stomach things like liquefied spaghetti and meatballs.  So for the first few days, my plan is to stick to milkshakes and smoothies.  The food as to be SUPER liquid, meaning nothing he might need to chew. So really more juice-like than smoothie-like.  Tate picked out a bunch of fruits he thought he might enjoy in juice or smoothie style for his first few days home, along with some soups.  I told him he could pick anything he wanted for his last solid food meal.  At first, he asked for meatball subs. But once we were at the grocery store, he changed his mind.  Here's what he planned:

Breakfast dinner! Those are kodiak pancakes, thick cut bacon slices, sausage patties, and scrambled eggs.  (He's also wearing his Camp Cosmos shirt, which is the camp I mentioned in the last post - the one for kids with craniofacial differences.)

After dinner, we scurried out to a movie - and watched Shazam! It was $5 movie night at the theater, and because everyone had just eaten a big meal, no one wanted much concession food.

We did get one tub of popcorn, but only about half was eaten.  Tate and I also enjoyed our favorite drink:  Grape Fanta.  Sugary deliciousness.  

When we got home, he took a shower, and fell into bed. I snuggled with him until he fell asleep.  He told me it would take hours and hours, but it really only took him a few minutes.

And now it's my turn to pack.  We don't have to be at the hospital at an ungodly hour, and it's only about 20-30 minutes away, depending on traffic. 

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