Monday, November 02, 2009

Ten Bullet Bio

Johnny over at So It's Come Down To This has sort of challenged me to complete a meme. It's pretty easy because it's not too long, and it's all about me. (Two great things!). To help readers new to this blog (and there sure can't be many given how terrible I've been about posting), I'm summarizing my "life story" in ten bullets.

Here goes:
  • Met (my husband) Jason when we were freshmen in high school. We were friends, but we didn't date in high school or while we were in college.
  • Taught English and Spanish at my high school alma mater right out of grad school.
  • Reconnected with Jason when I planned to set him up with a friend in 1997.
  • Engaged a year later. Married a year after that, in 1999.
  • Did the fertility treadmill and a couple months later started the domestic adoption process in 2002.
  • Son Casey was born in January 2003 during a snowstorm in Ohio. Three days after I ran a marathon in Florida. We fell in love with him (and his birth family) pretty much immediately.
  • Started law school in August 2003. Because I'm crazy. Finalized Casey's adoption the next month.
  • Gave up on fertility drugs for good in 2005 and headed for China. Adopted Marcie my last year of law school, in 2006.
  • Began paperwork for #3 even before Marcie's adoption was finalized in our home state (in July 2007).
  • Got lucky and started a job as a big fancy lawyer.

That's my life in a nutshell. (But boy could I embellish if the bullets didn't limit me-- I suppose that's the point.)


Nic Williams said...

Hi, I'm writing from First News - Piers Morgan's newspaper for children

I'd like to talk about you maybe writing some things for us. Could you please drop me an email at


Johnny said...

Woo-hoo. I'll even update my list because YOU did it!