Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dear Easter Bunny . . .

On the night before Easter, we set up for the Easter Bunny’s visit. The kids picked the grass for their baskets. We prepared a carrot for the rabbit. We talked about what time we could get up to see what the Easter Bunny brought (6:30a.m. if you’re wondering). Marcie asked if they could “label” their baskets with note cards (as if the pink and blue grass wouldn’t give it away), and I said, “Sure. Why not?”

You know where this is going. I found out why not.

I don’t know what your Easter Bunny brings, but ours brings things like pajamas or t-shirts, summer-style shoes, a movie, or a video game, a book, music—and only one package of candy.

But before I knew what was happening, the kids wrote the Easter Bunny notes explaining exactly what they hoped to find in their baskets the next morning:

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And what do you know? The Easter Bunny delivered.

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All I’m saying is that I sure am glad that Wal-Mart is open until midnight.

1 comment:

:::d::: said...

I am making a mental note of this for future reference. Good work Easter Bunny.