Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

We've had a lovely Mother's Day here in the S home.

We started with breakfast out, where everyone got to try a little bit of everything from fried eggs over easy and chocolate chip pancakes to biscuits with gravy and cinnamon rolls.  Then we headed north to the Carlsbad Flower Fields, cooled off with some ice cream and lemonade, and headed back home to enjoy the cool air conditioning we recently had updated and upgraded.

Did I mention that Casey has a propensity for the dramatic when it comes to family photos?  It's really hard to get him not posing.

So we had fun.  The kids and Jason got me a thoughtful and original gift - which I absolutely love.  Check it out:

In case you can't tell what's in the frame, the girl on the left has a paint brush, goggles on her head and swim fins on her feet.  The next figure, a boy, is playing lacrosse and soccer in cleats.  The woman is running, with a cell phone in hand and a camera slung over her arm.  And the little guy chasing after is holding a Barbie doll with books flying out of his backpack.  Jason commissioned the work and told the artist what each of us is into.

It's really perfect for Mother's Day - though I'd love to see the rendition of Jason, too!

So they hit a home run with the gift.  But really, what makes me happiest of all is just enjoying the time with my family.  The day's not over yet, but it's already been one of the best Mother's Days I've ever had. . .

1 comment:

:::d::: said...

I don't know what I love more: the creative gift or Casey's expressions. He is a hoot.