Sunday, July 31, 2011

12 Years

Today is our 12th Anniversary.

I wish I had something really thought-provoking or sentimental or romantic to write about it. I don’t.

Someone I know recently lost her husband to a brief battle with an illness, which he was unable to overcome. I don’t know how long they were married, but I know it was more than 12 years. When I attended the memorial on Saturday, it was a reminder of the strength one person can draw from another—even in death.

I know I draw the same kind of strength from Jason. Goodness knows we don’t always agree on things, but our marriage- our relationship- is strong enough that it allows us to be individuals with independent feelings without it demeaning our sense of togetherness. In fact, I think it probably strengthens our union.

This morning we woke up at a hotel on the ocean. The sun was shining. We could hear waves and smell the ocean’s salty air. We lingered as we walked the coast back to the hotel after a brief morning walk. It was reminiscent of twelve years and one day ago- the day after our wedding.

Instead of our extended family greeting us for a celebratory brunch this time, though, we were welcomed home by squealing children—who had a fantastic night with a sitter, but were so happy to see us.

I know how very lucky I am.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Character and Family Photos

My absence has been the result of playing more this month than usual. With the kids and Jason, of course.

We met up with Casey’s birthfamily in July in Orlando, Florida, where we went to Universal and Disney—and even spent an evening go-kart racing and feeding alligators pieces of hot dogs (the highlight of the week for the kids). It was hot and humid and way more sticky than we are accustomed to—but that didn’t stop us from having fun.

Here are a couple of my favorite photos of us getting pictures with Universal or Disney characters—which Tate was totally interested in, but only from a distance.

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I also managed to snap a few fantastic photos of the kids--

(First photo is Casey with his birth-siblings. Second photo is Casey with all his brothers and sisters. Third photo are the three S. Family “things.”)

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And a special thanks to Grandma Linda for the shirts—we were quite a sight to behold traipsing around Downtown Disney and all over airports.