Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Happy pre-Valentine's day.
No pictures to post. But big news.
No, not talking about any baby news.
Or school Valentine's parties (though we did have those!).

Tonight is a momentous occasion.

As I type, Casey is snuggled up in bed. His favorite classmate, too.
Sigh. His first sleep over.

I feel so, so lucky he asked to have someone here instead of asking to go somewhere else. And still, the momentousness of this moment is not lost on me.

Apparently I had a skewed view of when things happen. I find myself constantly thinking, "Already?!?" And I imagine it will only get worse.

Tonight Marcie asked me if she could have her favorite classmate spend the night, too. We suggested we maybe start out with a play date before we encourage any preschool overnights away from home-- and she seemed fine with that. Or she was distracted by the super cool "pretty dress," tap-tap shoes, ballet slippers and Hello Kitty flip flops (which actually culled a full girly squeal from her) a co-worker's 6 year old daughter handed down to us today.

Pictures to follow.


Anonymous said...

So, were there any late night calls home or middle of the night pick ups?

Anonymous said...

Sleepovers can be a good thing.. you and hubby might get a night alone if you plan it right and get comfortable with it. :-)

:::d::: said...

OMG. This makes me feel old. :) I miss Casey and Marcie - and you too!

Kris said...

Miss your blog...I still check almost daily hoping for an update! I figure it must be you have a busy life... and Bravo for that!! :-) Just wanted you to know your blog is missed.