Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Post Op Appointment

One week after surgery, we were scheduled for a post-op follow up with a physician assistant at the craniofacial clinic.  Tate was cranky. I think he was tired. And maybe a little mad he finally lost at a board game against my mom. (Though he confided in me that he did pretty well in poker against my dad. - Don’t worry, there was no betting!)

She removed the dressing on his hip and said it looked good. He wanted to know why it was lumpy, and she explained that skin is sewn that way because it collapses over time.

After the stitches fall out in their own, we will begin massaging the area around the scar for scar tissue reduction and to improve plasticity.

She looked in his mouth and said we need to do a better job cleaning food particles away from the stitches and the area of the graft. Which is a little crazy because he is on a full liquid diet. And he eats/drinks with a mouth guard in. So the particle issue should be minimal. Anyway, she suggested more zealous swishing and a water pick.

But he is cleared for school, which he is looking forward to.

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