Thursday, July 26, 2018


Have you read the NPR article The 'Overparenting' Crisis in School and at Home?

I've given this some real thought.  I don't think we overparent.  We do not do our kids' homework.  Or talk about how "our" soccer team is doing.  We aren't pushing any particular college, major, or career.  We aren't even pushing for specific performance in school (you know, beyond always doing your best work).

 We don't routinely bring homework to our kids at school.  Or food.  And one of our middle school parenting philosophies was that it is the perfect time to make mistakes and learn from them because the consequences were less severe.  We don't email our kids' teachers until we've insisted our kids contact them and try self-advocacy first.  (Though I admit that for IEP and disability-related issues, we will just reach out directly.)

We know that disappointment is healthy.  And overcoming adversity is a desirable skill.

We want our children to be come independent.

So this overparenting - that's not us.

But then, in the back of my mind, there is this small voice that reminds me, "But we still cut up their meat."  And then I'm not so sure . . .

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