Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soccer Super Star

Today was Casey's first game of the season. It was supposed to be five on five, with 15 minute quarters on a smaller field, as the season ramps up. No referee-- and the game win (or loss) doesn't count in the standings. But there was a mix-up with the field(s), so it was 8 on 8 instead. Which was fine. This game was one of the reasons we opted to wait to travel until Monday-- Casey's had such great momentum lately.

And he didn't disappoint. He did a fantastic job-- his coaches play the kids all over the field. He had a couple great (and important) assists. (And, for the record-- which everyone tracks even though it doesn't "count"-- his team won 3-1.)

He woke up excited about the game- even wanted to put on the uniform at 6am for a 1pm game.

Here's our soccer super star:

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